15. 10. 2024

Embracing Big Life Changes - A New Chapter Begins

It’s been a particularly busy month all round, both at work and at home. The most marked life change for me, was waving my son off to embark on his exciting adventure at university at the end of last month. It was natural to feel a mix of emotions - pride, excitement, and a touch of sadness but I have decided to embrace this shift as much as I can. This significant transition marks a new chapter in his life, filled with opportunities for growth, independence, and unforgettable experiences.

Embracing the Changes

After being so busy working during the week, preparing lists upon lists of items to pack at the weekends, I was nervous about how I would feel when the time came to say goodbye. It was emotional and it has been tough, but sometimes changes can also bring more positives than you think. When I receive a call asking how to do the washing or prepare a meal, I grab the opportunity to find out about his day, how his lecture was, who he has been chatting to. I know these calls may reduce as he becomes more independent but even a quick WhatsApp is enough for me to be connected to his new experiences. It’s about being proactive and making the effort on a daily basis. I am fortunate that I still have my daughter at home, so I will spend some of my time supporting her through her GCSE year.

With us entering the final quarter of this year (and I can’t believe how time flies), it’s also made me think about myself and how I can focus my attentions to how I can make an impact over the next few months.

Making an Impact in the Final Quarter

As the year gradually draws to a close, there's still plenty of time to make a meaningful impact whether it’s in your work or personal life. Here are some ideas to consider:

Reflect on the past to help you move forwards: Taking time to look back is really useful to highlight where you want to go in the future; what have you enjoyed, what could you have done better and what would help you make the most impact over the coming months?

Prepare for the future: Think about your plans for the upcoming year, your career goals, extracurricular activities, and social life, how will you find the right balance for you?

What achievements will make you look back on this year as a success: Again, this could be personal, work related or both. What did you set out to achieve this year and have you been successful? And remember, there is still time to make this happen!

My year has been extremely busy, a real year of change. By embracing the positives and looking at what I would still like to achieve over the next quarter, I am motivated in my personal and work life to achieve this. A large part of this is by being proactive, enjoying a range of conversations and being organised. But one more thing is equally as important, ensuring I also have some downtime for myself, which includes making a few trips to see my son at university.

How will you motivate yourself to achieve your goals?


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