03. 09. 2024

A Venetian Adventure: Rowing, Reflection, and Rediscovering Passion

Venice, the city of canals, gondolas, and timeless beauty, was the perfect setting for my recent holiday. Surrounded by the city's intricate waterways, I couldn't help but feel a sense of fascination and tranquillity. But it was my experience rowing a batelina that was the true highlight.

A batelina is a traditional Venetian rowing boat, requiring a unique technique that involves standing up and using a long, flat oar. As I focused on maintaining by balance and coordinating my movements, I realised that I was attempting something completely new and challenging. It was fantastic to experience something completely new and there was a real peace to only seeing the water around me and making sure I was rowing in the right direction whilst not falling into the canal!

We often shy away from new challenges because we fear failure and the unknown. I usually prefer my feet firmly on the ground, but it's precisely these challenges that can help us discover hidden talents and untapped potential. I was actually quite good at rowing!  

The experience has also made me think about the importance of finding joy and fulfilment in what we do. It's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day and forget what truly motivates us. But when we pursue our passions, we are more likely to be happy, motivated, and successful.

So, what motivates me? It's the thrill of learning something new, the satisfaction of overcoming challenges, and the opportunity to help others and make a positive impact. I believe that everyone has the potential to achieve great things, but it takes courage, perseverance, and a willingness to step outside of our comfort zones.

As I look back on my Venetian adventure, it’s truly unique and somewhat magical. I am grateful for the opportunity to have rowed a batelina and for the time it gave me to reflect. It's a reminder that no matter who we are, it's never too late to explore new experiences, open ourselves up to new adventures and realise that there are many opportunities out there that we are very capable of succeeding in – we just have to go for it!

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