Brilliant Blog

21. 05. 2024

Exams are a means to an end – how to navigate the path to your dream career

It’s the middle of exam season for some, and just the start for others, but think of it this way – they are just a hurdle you need to jump to get to the next stage. Whatever you are studying, however you do, there’s a career out there for you. You just need to figure out WHAT you want to do and HOW you can get there.
14. 05. 2024

Recharge and Refocus: Why Taking a Break Boosts Your Work Performance

We've all been there – working long hours, logging on at the weekend to keep up with our ever-growing to do lists, eventually staring at a computer screen in a work fog, productivity and motivation fading fast. This is where the importance of a proper break comes in. It might seem counterintuitive to step away from your work when you're feeling behind, but trust me, taking a well-deserved break is the key to coming back to work refreshed and recharged.